Monday, August 19, 2013

Thar she blows!!!

So here's the thing... I know this is going to sound ALOT like complaining... but really I'm not. There could be far worse things going on in my daily like than a little spit up... but it is a constant thing... so if you're wondering what's going on in my life... this is it...

So the good news is... wood floors make and easy clean up for this mess... but bad news is.... I've been doing a crazy amount of laundry. I mean JDub thinks I have too many clothes (which I do..) but I would probably be naked most days with the amount of costume changes I have to do!

So Miss M likes to eat about every 2 hours during the day.... sometimes she will spread it out a little further if she's napping or something... but yea pretty much every 2 hours. Then in between the 2 hours she is spitting up... and its not just a little tiny bit. It's a massive amount. And while you think oh ok... she just spit up a ton.. she's gotta be done right?! Yea, not so much. The other day at church she went through 3 bibs and 4 burp clothes..... and that was in like an hour.

So when people witness Miss M (or Ms. Mount Vesuvius...) erupting I often hear "Is that normal?"

Hmm... is that "normal"... Do you mean is Miss M spitting up all over me, the floor, my dress, my bra, herself... normal? Do you mean is the amount normal? Psssh I don't know. I mean yes she normally spits up all over the place. Yes her spit up is normally that color, that consistency, that odor... Yes that amount is "normally" what comes out. 

The doctor always says as long as the babe is gaining weight the spit up isn't an issue.... oh and "it always looks like a larger amount that it really is."

I also hear "Maybe it's something you ate?" Hmm... yep. Could be... Some days I eat greasy pizza... does she spit up then? Yes. Some days I eat a nice salad.... does she spit up then? Yes. Some days I drink milk..... does she spit up then? Yes. Some days I don't drink milk... I drink water, or tea, or coffee... does she spit up then? Yes. She does. This baby spits up. Yes I know its a lot. Yes it is frequent. If you hold Miss M BEWARE!!!! I'm not saying that to brag but just to warn you. If you don't want the possibility of spit up on your person... steer clear folks!

Breastfeeding is the form of food I choose for my baby. Is breastfeeding easy? No... I mean its been fairly easy for me. It's worked out rather well seeing as its cheap and my baby's took to it fairly well. It is convenient? I think so... no bottles can be easy clean up. Some mom's like to watch what they eat... I don't. That's too much work. I'm already irritable from lack of sleep and being surrounded by little "terrorists" all day. (Don't get me wrong I love my children... but their demands are something else some days!) I'm not going to add in trying to keep track of the things I eat and how it effects Miss M's tummy. I'm lazy!! For now I'll just deal with the spit up.

She has gotten better if you can believe it!? There were times those first couple of months that I couldn't even burp her or it would all come flying out! There is a light at the end of this tunnel. She's 4 months now... and if I recall around 6 months is when Ceej quit spitting so much. So here's hoping it'll be over soon. Here's hoping she'll be able to go all day staying in one specific outfit! Here's hoping I only need 1 extra bib in the diaper bag (and not 4). Like I said... there could be worse things I'm dealing with.... a little spit up never killed anyone.

1 comment:

  1. I have two just like her. Must run in our family. I have ruined easily 10-12 shirts. Stained beyond hope.



About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)