Saturday, May 28, 2011

Coffee filter Sunflowers

While I was making my coffee the other morning... little Ceej decided he had to get into the drawer and help! He pulled out a few coffee filters... I'm not even sure why we had these type of filters, b/c our coffee pot takes the cone-shaped ones.......But anywho I thought hey the kids could make some crafts :)

I found this fun site and thought we could give it a try :) Coffee filter craft

Here are the supplies you will need.....

3 coffee filters, yellow and brown crayons or markers, glue stick, and scissors!

You can use several coffee filters if you want more layers... but I ended up using 3... First you color two of the coffee filters yellow, not worrying about the inside circle b/c it will be covered up later. I used the crayons! Then you take the 2 colored filters and place them on top of each other. Fold them in half, and then in half again so they look like this.......

Excuse the harsh lines it was hard to see the actual lines in the picture so I had to use paint and draw over them! And then you cut!

Then you can use the glue stick to glue the middle of the flowers together and use the scraps to make the flower have more depth like this!
Take your other filter and color in the center with brown. I did 2 different shades of brown marker. You have to do it very lightly when you use marker or it till start to deteriorate the filter... I did a sort of criss-cross action! Then cut it out, put glue around the edges and put over the top!

Bubba's turned out a little different........ his may not resemble a sunflower but that's ok! I let him help with the gluing... but NOT the cutting so much. He's just too accident prone and I was having to pay attention to Ceej as well.

Overall I'd say it was a pretty fun craft! Its amazing what you can find on the internet these days! :)

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)