Monday, April 25, 2011

Old pair of jeans?.... turn it into a skirt!

Well for those of you who don't know...  I have two sisters... one lives here in Iowa with me... and the other is down in Tennessee... my oldest sister is the one down in TN. She is VERY good at sewing... infact she needs to give me some personal lessons b/c after seeing her sewing technique after mine.... I'm realizing I'm really terrible! (And I thought I was doing so well...). My middle sis is actually the owner of my sewing machine... she has just been kind enough to let me borrow it for an undetermined amount of time...

Anywho... for the purpose of this blog entry we will now call my oldest sis Frugal Fran... or FF.

FF has seen my attempts at recreations... and she asked me if I had any old jeans I didn't wear anymore... which of course I do! Who doesn't? They were/are stretch jeans and its like the stretchy part was getting too stressed... and it was kind of lumpy around the knees. I was constantly pulling them up and adjusting them b/c they were just soo worn out.

Here's the before photo!

I know you can't really tell how worn these are from this angle... but take my word...
I helped a little bit... but this was really FF's handywork... First she used the seam ripper to rip open the inside seams of each pant leg... After that I tried them back on.. and we figured out where to cut them off...

at first we did just under the knee.. but then I looked a bit like a sister-wife out on the compound so we ended up cutting it up further once we were finished!

Then FF took the seam-ripper and ripped up the crotch area so she could re-align the seam. It took her a couple tries to get it just right. She had done this project on a pair of her old jeans too... but with us being different sizes it took a little TLC to figure out just where the fabric needed to lay. Then she took it to the machine and stiched it up... After that was complete... she took the extra fabric from the lower half of the pant leg and cut a triangle shape to fill in the "V" gap that was created after the legs were opened up. Then she sewed that up too!

Here's the final product!
How we just did a stitch across the bottom... not a full hem or anything. I'm hoping after its washed a couple times it will fray and have some fringe on the bottom. Kudos to FF and her mad sewing skills!! If the weather would stay nice maybe I could show this bad-boy off :)

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About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)