Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sick of being sick

WARNING: If you don't want to hear a lot of complaining and moaning then stop reading this entry now.... I don't blame you if stop reading now :)

I can't decide what's worse.... having sick kids... or being sick.... OH WAIT I KNOW!!! Being sick AND having sick kids at the same time!!! Yep that's pretty bad... Not only are you having to take care of your sick lil guys, but you also feel like absolute crap. Every time you have to wipe their little noses they're kicking and screaming and shoving you away. Like your head doesn't hurt already from the ridiculous head cold you have. Like you enjoy having to hold down your baby and get that green aspirator and suck an unimaginably huge amounts of snot from his nose and then have him cry more, creating even more snot to have to suck out again.

Here's a recap of the last couple weeks in our house...

Thursday: Bubba wakes up with runny nose. Constantly having to wipe and/or have him blow it. He's only 2 but does know how to blow his nose. He just chooses to run around wiping it on his sleeve, your shirt, the blanket on the couch, whatever he feels like pretty much. I am having to wash my hands constantly as well to try to not get sick myself, causing my knuckles to crack open and bleed periodically b/c of the cold/dry weather.

Saturday/Sunday: Am awoken to Ceej crying like a banshee in his room. I make JDub deal with it... cause well its the weekend and I need a night off every once in a while myself.. after a while of course he brings babe into our room and I am jolted awake by the sound of him struggling to breathe... I nurse him to calm him down... but he is still struggling to inhale. I burst into tears and say I don't know what's going on but we are going to the hospital... After recruiting my mom at 1:00 in the morning to come over (apparently even in your 50's as a mom you still don't get a good night's sleep....... sorry) and stay with Bubba, JDub and I head to the hospital. Only to have Ceej sound way better b/c turns out he has the croup... pretty much just a viral thing you can't do anything for. They did however give him a shot of a steroid to help the inflammation so he could breathe.

Wed/Thursday: Once again woken by Ceej crying at the top of his lungs. This time at least being able to breathe.. but still even nursing him would not console him. Thought I saw him pulling at this ears, and had been forewarned that croup can then turn into ear infections....

Thursday: Lugged both sick boys into the freezing car to the doctor's office we went... Only to find out $25 copay later his ears are just fine... nothing to do... That night MY nose starts running....

Friday: Wake up feeling like death... kind of wishing I were actually dead... Have to somehow pull myself together and take care of these children...... Thank goodness (I know its mean...) JDub comes home early around 1:00 pm he's sick as well... only not feeling as much like death as I do so I am able to take a nap for a few hours.

Saturday: Its my sister's baby shower... which I am hosting.. and all though my other sister was suppose to be there to help poor thing got the stomach flu and couldn't make it (I know her pain b/c all of us had that over Christmas). So yea had to get up and shower and look presentable, and thanks to some ibuprofen I made it. Later that night start to feel fluid in my ears and pain.....

Sunday: Needless to say we didn't make it to church... Ceej was still hacking and well I headed to urgent care to find out yep... I have a double ear infection. After leaving and going to Walgreens to pick up my prescription... oh wait... its only 9:15 am and the pharmacy doesn't open til 10:00.... GRAND!! I come back home and again wallow in my own self-pity. JDub was nice enough to head back out to pick up my meds.

Monday: Bubba is still coughing... and blowing nose a few times a day... But much better over all. Carter is still hacking away, the mornings are the worst... JDub is now feeling like death... but still has to go to work, just like the rest of us.

Tuesday: I think Ceej woke up in the middle of the night... and I thought.. ok.. I'll wait 3 minutes... and then whoops I hear JDub's alarm going off. So either I just fell asleep while he cried or he actually soothed himself... or I dreamt the whole thing. Its really hard to tell these days with all the sleep deprivation. So initially thought it would be a good day.. til I pull Ceej into bed and he proceeds to hack uncontrollably and then puke up all the milk he just drank.. on my bed...

So this is today so far... Tuesday... about 6 boxes of Kleenex........ 2 bottles of Robitussin......2 boxes of dayquil......and a bottle of NyQuil later......... we are still sick...... I am currently on amoxicillon so hopefully that will heal me up quick. Ceej does have a 9 month check up on Thursday so at least he DR will see him then.... and well JDub can take care of himself... at least he's not sick, taking care of sick kids, and unable to take the GOOD DRUGS b/c he's breastfeeding still!!

That is by far the worse... b/c Robitussin can only do so much (which feels like nothing!) and I'd much rather be taking NyQuil to just pass out at night too....

Ok I'm done now.... and I do feel a lil better...........

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About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)