Saturday, January 8, 2011

I owe you....

I hate owing people money.... And I try my best not to owe people money... but if cash needs to be involved I rarely have that... and that's usually when I need to borrow some. I just feel bad! I'd like to say I'm fairly good about remembering when I've borrowed money and making sure its returned to the rightful owner in a timely manner. I guess some people might beg to differ, but I hope they'll agree with me.

Now what's even worse than owing people money... is when people owe you money but they haven't paid up! I try to be nice and give them the time they need to get their hands on the cash... but most of the time I think people just forget! I mean I get it... I forget sometimes too. The same thing goes with borrowing items from people. I've borrowed books, clothes, kitchen utensils... you name it, I've probably borrowed it. But I try again to do my best to return them to the rightful owners! Unless of course they tell me to just keep it or something...

There's nothing worse than having to ask repeatedly for something from someone... only to have them be like "What? I owe you what?.... Are you sure.... I'm pretty sure I paid you... No I gave that back..." Ugh I hate that! Its just so awkward.

Honestly though, if I owe you something and I have forgotten... just please ask. I don't mind. It really doesn't make it awkward for me. I'll give it back or pay you! I'd feel much better knowing its a done deal, and hopefully make it less weird for you as well :)

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)