Friday, August 20, 2010

Self-less...or selfish.....

There are certain times in my life when I consider myself to be a self-less person... Most of the time this is when it comes to my children! I think I've mentioned I will forego showering b/c there's just no time.... I will not get online or watch the TV shows I wish I could b/c I'd rather be going for a walk, or reading to Bubba. I will skip the opportunity during the day to do my workout b/c I'd much rather snuggle with Baby while he sleeps in my arms....

JDub and I have given up a lot since we started our family. We knew we'd have to make these sacrifices (no cable tv.... less eating out... no or minimal vacations.... buying ice cream instead of "going out for ice-cream".... turning down invites to concerts... or trips out to the bar... etc) I really don't mind giving these things up most of the time. But there are those times when I'm jealous of the friends and family who seem to go and do whatever they please!!!

And then there are times when I'm a little selfish... JDub doesn't have too many hobbies... He works on the house alot, and plays video games on the XBox here and there. Now he comes home and tells me he's joining a Fantasy Football League?! Ugh... Instead of being happy for him to get involved in something with guys from his work, I think "great.... how much time will this take out of the time he spends with me or the kids?!" I know... its terrible. How self-centered am I?! I even said "So this time you'll spend on the internet making your teams or whatever it is you do..... will this come out of the time you spend looking at Trucks online every night?" Sometimes I just can't help myself. JDub is such a wonderful husband and father to our boys.... I need to stop being so mean and let him have a little fun just for himself.... so say a little prayer for me to be more supportive. I can always take that time to have a little "Me" time myself right?

It's human nature to be the jealous type right? I wouldn't say I'm jealous all the time... but it does flare up now and again. Lately I've been mowing the lawn, not b/c JDub wouldn't do it... but b/c I'm jealous of the alone time he would get if he were to do it?! Being a stay-at-home-mom is a 24/7 job. With rare down time... Kids are always needing a new diaper (Please let Bubba take an interest in potty-training again soon!!) or something to eat. They crave your attention and involvement. But they can sure make you laugh and want to show them off too :)

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)