Saturday, April 3, 2010

Family Feud

Having no cable and all (sometimes I feel the need to remind people b/c it seems like everyone and their mom has cable except me!) you learn to either not watch TV much... or you find out exactly what time certain shows are on the limited channels you receive. We get this Ion channel which is actually pretty good! Monday thru Friday they air Family Feud (with John O'Hurley) from 4:00-6:00! Now we don't watch it every day... but sometimes its fun to watch a couple episodes while we wait for JDub to come home from work. And of course JDub enjoys them when he gets home too!

I seriously think I would be awesome on this show! Not to sound all full of myself or anything... but I tend to get most of top answers when it comes to the questions they ask. I think it would be so fun to be on the show too! But then I have to think who would I want to be part of my 5 family members? First off... JDub of course. Now I'm a little worried about him cause he DOES NOT like to be the center of attention... like ever... so I'm wondering how he would do being on TV and all.... the audience staring and waiting for your answer... I mean you get around 3 seconds to answer before they buzz you! So you have to be quick on your feet.... Which brings me to my dad. He is pretty much the smartest person I know.... but I'm not sure he's be the quickest on his feet. You know what they say about people from the south.... they move at their own pace or whatever. My mom on the other hand is very fast! She's obsessed with Jeopardy and extremely smart as well. I'd definately have her on there.

Ok so where am I at... I think you have 5 people.... so myself, JDub, Dad, Mom.... that leaves one spot open. Now I have 2 sisters so it might be hard to pick just one of them.... It really doesn't matter how they're related to you... they have cousins and brother in laws... aunts and uncles... Maybe I'd pick Dommie!! That's my grandmother... she's obsessed with crossword puzzles so again... very smart woman.

Well there you have it... so who's ready to try-out with me?! They're having auditions this month in Florida and Boston. I guess good old John O'Hurley is leaving though.... so it'll have to do with Steve Harvey.

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About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)