Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Yankee Workshop

Ok if you're too cheap to pay for cable like me.... you sometimes resort to watching PBS... Don't get me wrong, PBS is great. It has cartoons on during the day that Bubba enjoys (Thomas the train is kinda weird), and who doesn't like the Antique Roadshow right? The other day I was watching and some woman had a painting worth $350,000!!! I'd be selling that thing in a heartbeat and buying a new house....

Anyway, back to my point here... have you ever watched the New Yankee Workshop? This guy is insane! He can build anything.... and he makes it look so easy. I've seen him make and install kitchen cabients, a pantry, blinds, drawers, wooden floors, chairs, tables, kitchen islands and even a cutting board.
He does kind of make me want to make things myself... but at the same time he has every tool known to man! So while I'm sure it'd be great to try to make my own rocking chair... I don't have the space or real ambition. He does have help sometimes too... he hires painters, electricians, and plumbers to help with some projects. It makes me wish he was a good friend of mine. One I could get to work on things for cheap for me. I'd really like some bunk beds for Bubba's new room... too bad I can't just call good old Norm up and have him make some for me! But seriously if you can't find anything on... and you happen to come across this guy its kind of entertaining :)

1 comment:

  1. I love PBS!

    The best show is America's Test Kitchen. Watch that a while, it is awesome!



About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)